List of establishments for poultry Directive 2009/158/EC
Permanent Establishments as Treated by Swedish Tax Law
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten European Community (EC), former association designed to integrate the economies of most trade barriers and the establishment of a common external trade policy. selection as a compromise candidate, a position he reluctantly accept [sv] Third Country Establishments. [sv] List per Country. [sv] Introduction.
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The establishment has been CONDITIONALLY APPROVED in accordance with Article 31(2) (d) of Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004. PART 3(1) – Conditional Approval (To be completed when conditional approval has been granted) meat establishments under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. 4. Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 requires that food business establishments handling food of animal origin which falls under the categories for which Annex III lays down requirements must, with some exceptions, be approved by the CA. 5. Se hela listan på Re-wrapping Establishments 18. Where an approved meat establishment, in Britain, is also handling other products of animal origin (POAO) the Agency, in liaison and agreement with the relevant LA, may approve all operations requiring approval under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 undertake official controls. Targeted Audit of Approved Establishments MAY 2016 FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY OF IRELAND AUDIT REPORT SERIES Page 3 of 15 2.
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By way of derogation from point 2 of Chapter 2, birds introduced from sources other than approved breeding establishments, may be introduced in a breeding establishment after approval for such an introduction is given by the competent authority, provided that such animals undergo quarantine in accordance with the instructions given by the competent authority before being added to the collection. Approved food establishments under LA supervision.
List of establishments for poultry Directive 2009/158/EC
2. List of approved and registered establishments in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of TSE and annex IV Activity code/Aktivitetskode: Slaughterhouses from which blood produced from non-ruminants can be sourced according to approved establishment under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 (Lists Food: CODE SH=slaughterhouse. Bl=bloodproducts. the establishment from which that product was dispatched, and in which it was obtained or prepared, appears on a list, drawn up in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No [ (28)]/2004, of establishments from which imports of that product are permitted, when applicable, IE CK 0024 EC: Ilen Seafood's Ltd: Baltimore: Cork: Fishery Products: CS, PP : IE CK 0026 EC: Ballycotton Seafoods Ltd: Garryvoe: Cork: Fishery Products, Live Bivalve Molluscs: FFPP, PP, DC: 644: IE CK 0029 EC: Normandy Ireland: The Pier, Schull, Cork: Fishery Products: FFPP, PP: 651: IE CK 0031 EC: Union Hall Smoked Fish Ltd. Union Hall, Cork: Fishery Products: FFPP, PP: 642: IE CK 0042 EC Section I : Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products PDF Documents (last change date) Finland (15/12/2016) Slovenia (08/07/2020) Section II : Establishments or plants for the storage of derived products PDF Documents (last change date) Bulgaria (22/04/2020) Estonia (07/11/2017) Germany Authorities in all European Union Member States have to approve establishments that handle, prepare or produce products of animal origin, according to Regulation (EC) 853/2004 Please note that where an approval number is shown on one of these lists without a two-letter prefix, that establishment is approved by Food Standards Scotland rather than a Local Authority. Regulation (EC) 852/2004. Registration under Article 6(2) of Regulation (EC) 852/2004 is not required for approved establishments. 2.2.
NOTICE: The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer. In case of errors, amendments or updates, the competent authority of each Member States should be contacted directly. Third Country Establishments List per Section. Food; Section I : Meat of domestic ungulates PDF Documents (last change date) Argentina (13/04/2021) Australia (19/03/2021)
A full list of establishments approved to handle, prepare or produce products of animal origin for which requirements are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. More from this publisher All datasets from Food Standards Agency
Section I : Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products (27/01/2016) Section II : Establishments or plants for the storage of derived products (23/12/2020) Section IX : Establishments or plants handling animal by-products or derived products for purposes outside the feed chain (21/07/2020)
Find an Approved Establishment. USDA maintains a database of approved establishments, which is sortable by state and item type. You will need to select an Approved Establishment before you begin the import process.
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operators are to ensure that establishments are approved by the competent authority, following at least one on-site visit when approval is required under national legislation, under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Coun cil (2) or under a decision adopted pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004. List of compliant vessels, according to Decision 2007/330/EC (Annex I, B, 1, 2nd paragraph), allowing the movement of some animal products on the island of Cyprus and setting its conditions under Regulation EC 866/2004. List of fishing vessels; Technical specifications for EU approved and certain other food establishments EU countries, EEA countries: List of approved ABP establishments.
pathogenic avian influenza as defined in Regulation (EC) No 798/2008;]. (3) approved establishments, the approval of which, at the time of consignment of the
19, LIST OF APPROVED ESTABLISHMENTS IN FINLAND HANDLING (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Establishments for Poultry/Fjäderfäanläggningar SE Sweden Sverige List of 01/06/2017 Version Approval number Godkännande nr Approval date Datum för
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According to Council Directive 2008/73/EC (and its correcting Approved Establishments; Feed Marketing; Feed Additives; Medicated Feed; Undesirable Substances; Genetically Modified Feed The requirements for each category of food products are specified in Annex III to the Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. These requirements must be checked and guaranteed by the competent authorities of the non-EU country before an establishment can be listed as an EU approved establishment.