Presentation om högkänslighet


Att vara HSP i ett socialt samhälle - LNU

Your HSP wiring needs that quiet time, but sometimes, every hour spent alone feels like a lost opportunity… and a lack of the social connection you desperately crave. 2. I see a lot of articles and books these days geared to the HSP – highly sensitive person. Usually it’s assumed that these sensitive individuals are natural introverts. Yet—I’ve had to wonder about that. As a clear ENFJ on the Meyers Briggs scale, I know that I’m an extrovert.

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However, when it comes to HSPs who are also HSS, Dr. Cooper writes that a whopping 90 percent of them are introverts(!). This adds another layer of complexity to your already unique blend of traits. So along with introverts, extroverts, and HSPs, there are also High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive People. Elaine Aron calls them HSP/HSSs. High Sensation Seeking means a person seeks out activities or behaviors that allow them to reach a high mental or physical arousal level.

Kriterier för högkänslighet - HSP Suomi ry

With another HSP, that person is blamed for too many of the problems that actually the inner HSP is causing the HSP/HSS. “You never want to do anything!” The same is true when the HSP/HSS is trying to live with an HSS. The HSS partner is the problem, as the HSP/HSS forgets about his or her own HSS part and complains, “You wear me out.

Från foten av Tibidabo till Vysehrad: På resa i en introvert

Is an extrovert hsp the same as an hss_

As a clear ENFJ on the Meyers Briggs scale, I know that I’m an extrovert. I don’t need a personality test to understand this. With another HSP, that person is blamed for too many of the problems that actually the inner HSP is causing the HSP/HSS. “You never want to do anything!” The same is true when the HSP/HSS is trying to live with an HSS. The HSS partner is the problem, as the HSP/HSS forgets about his or her own HSS part and complains, “You wear me out. It is important to differentiate between the introverts and extroverts who are HSP and those who do not self-identify as HSPs. All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, possess four main characteristics as identified by research psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron in Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person (2010.) These four are: D.O.E.S. The Extroverted HSP & HSS. You keep seeing people, trying new things and enjoy to live life to its fullest, until one day you are completely worn out because you neglected the signals of your body.

This is not to be confused with Sensory Processing Disorders, but is instead a trait that Dr. Elaine N Aron believe affects up to 20% of the population and involves a heightened or more sensitive nervous system. Travelling solo as an HSP-HSS you will most likely learn to listen to yourself even on a deeper level than before. At some point fear will most likely kick in. (This is by the way an occasion when I use my journal.) In these situations, I sometimes push through the fear and other times I understand I´m just overwhelmed and need my rest. My biggest HSP learning concerned how different extraversion looks in HSP’s than in non-HSP’s.
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Imagine how challenging it is to be HSP with lifelong social phobia AND an extravert.

So along with introverts, extroverts, and HSPs, there are also High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive People. Elaine Aron calls them HSP/HSSs. High Sensation Seeking means a person seeks out activities or behaviors that allow them to reach a high mental or physical arousal level.
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HSP / Högkänslig personlighet · Psykolog Online

2015-04-01 HSP’s are nurturing individuals and the myth that only women are highly sensitive is false, as studies show that 50% of the HSP population is found to be men. In our society men are shunned and mocked upon if they are sensitive, crying is seen as a sign of weakness and fragility, people cannot fathom that men and women can be both sensitive and strong. So I wasn’t the same way as you Robyn, but I’m also, um, I’m an introvert, but I’m also HSS, which is High Sensation Seeking. Only 30% of HSPs are like you, Robyn, where they’re extroverts, and only 30% of HSPs are HSS, which is high sensation seeking. So, and that’s what I have.